Life Insurance - MaxInvest

SICOM MaxInvest provides life insurance bundled with an investment component. Benefits payable depend on the actual performance of the underlying investment fund and the additional death cover and supplementary riders purchased.

About this product

The premium paid after deduction for charges is used to buy units in an investment fund of your choice at the unit price prevailing at the time of purchase. The fund value of the policy, on any given date, is the number of units in the policy account multiplied by the unit price prevailing at that time.

Highlighted features
  • Investment Funds

    3 funds are available: Secure, Balanced and Growth

  • Maturity Benefits

    On survival until the maturity date, the Fund Value will be payable.

  • Death Benefits

    Fund Value + the sum assured for the compulsory Additional Death Benefit are payable.

Product Features

Choose SICOM MaxInvest & benefit from:

  • Type

    Single or Joint Policy

  • Investment Funds

    3 funds are available: Secure, Balanced and Growth

  • Term

    Premium paying frequency is either a single premium or regular premiums

  • Death Benefits

    Fund Value + the sum assured for the compulsory Additional Death Benefit are payable. For the Secure Fund only, there is a guaranteed minimum amount payable.

  • Optional Supplementary Benefits

    Total and Permanent Disability & Critical Illness Benefit

  • Policy Term (subject to age eligibility)

    For Single Premium, it is between 5 to 35 years and for Regular Premium, it is between 10 to 35 years

  • Maturity Benefits

    On survival until the maturity date, the Fund Value will be payable. For the Secure Fund only, there is a guaranteed minimum amount payable.

  • Withdrawal

    Partial Withdrawal twice during the policy term

  • Premium Amount

    The minimum single premium payable is Rs 180,000 & The minimum regular monthly premium payable is Rs 1,500.

  • Benefits

    A Sum Assured is paid in case of Death, Total and Permanent Disability* and diagnosis of any one specific illness as defined in our Health Care Cover* before maturity.

  • Other Features

    Fixed level premium or escalated premium at 3% p.a. or 5% p.a & from the third policy year, you may choose to switch fund.

( Terms and conditions apply)*

Useful Information

Additional Death Benefit

A Sum Assured upon death before maturity.

Total and Permanent Disability

A Sum Assured upon disability arriving before maturity.

Critical Illness 

A Sum Assured in case of diagnosis of any one of the following specific illnesses before maturity:

  • Heart Attack
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Kidney Failure
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Paraplegia, Quadriplegia, Diplegia, Hemiplegia and Tetraplegia
  • Blindness
  • Major Burns
  • Cardiac Valve Surgery
  • Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
  • Coma
  • Brain Damage

Age of policyholder ranges from 18 to 65 years

Age at entry + term should not exceed 75 years for death cover only.

If TPD and or CI riders are chosen, age at entry + term should not exceed 65 years.

  • National Identity Card
  • Recent Utility Bill (not more than 3 months old)
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  • Bank details for set-up of premium payment arrangements

What amount of the premium will be invested in the chosen fund?

The amount is equivalent to the total of all premium contributions (single or regular) made net of policy administration charges, risk charges corresponding to the additional death benefit and any optional rider benefits, asset management charges and FSC fees.

What is the premium paying frequency?

You may choose to pay either a single premium or a regular premium, but not both.

Are the optional riders available on all premium paying frequency type?

Critical Illness benefit is available only on regular premium plans.

Are additional benefits compulsory?

Additional Death benefit is compulsory whereas Total and Permanent Disability and Critical Illness benefits are optional.

Will the policy still be in-force after a valid claim has been paid?

A valid claim under any of the additional benefits will automatically terminate the policy.

The value of investments may go up as well as down.  Investors may get back less than the amount invested.  Any past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance.

Highlighted features
  • Investment Funds

    3 funds are available: Secure, Balanced and Growth

  • Maturity Benefits

    On survival until the maturity date, the Fund Value will be payable

  • Death Benefits

    Fund Value + the sum assured for the compulsory Additional Death Benefit are payable


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This product is offered by: State Insurance Company Of Mauritius Ltd


FSC License No: IS10000020